On March 2, 1931, "Jake" Feinler was born. She was the Network Information Systems Center director at the Stanford Research Institute. Her group operated the Network Information Center for the ARPANET as it evolved into the Defense Data Network and the Internet. Her group also created the naming registry for World Wide Web domains designation behind web addresses “.edu,” “.gov,” “.org,” “.mil” and of course dot com (.com)
Betty Jean Jennings (later Bartik) was born on December 27, 1924 and was one of six human computers chosen to work on ENIAC. She and the team taught themselves ENIAC's operation and became its (and, arguably, the world's) first programmers.
Has this week's episode left you wanting to learn more about the Voyager mission? Good news, then because NASA is providing. Links to mission status and all kinds of information about the mission are in this article
The inspiration for the Barbie doll, long before Barbie became a computer engineer, game developer, or robotics engineer, was a German doll named Bild Lili.
On June 7, 1954 Alan Turing committed suicide by eating an apple containing cyanide after he was convicted for “gross indecency” in 1952 when authorities discovered he was gay.
Στις 5 Ιουνίου του 1833, η δεκαεπταχρονή Ada Byron συνάντησε για πρώτη φορά τον Charles Babbage.
The tech industry is dominated by white, heterosexual men. There is an under-representation of women but the numbers are even worse if we start talking about non-white people or people belonging to the LGBTQ+ community.
Το 1999, τη δεύτερη μέρα της στη Google η Marissa Mayer πήγε στη κουζίνα για καφέ και βρήκε το Larry Page, ένα από τους 2 συνυδρητές της Google, να κρύβεται σε μια γωνιά. To website είχε πέσει και δεν ήξερε τι να κάνει!
Στο επεισόδιο 14 μαζί μου ήταν η Έλενα Κασκίρη και Βίκυ Συμεωνίδου. Η Έλενα και η Βίκυ είναι συνιδρύτριες του Lilith's Child Games Studio.